Monday Morning Missions

The Monday Morning Mission Group meets weekly from 9:30 to noon. 

The purpose of the group is to serve any charitable organization in the Greater Hartford area.  Walker bags and lap robes are sewn and given to local convalescent homes and hospitals.  Mastectomy kits and turbans are given to the Cancer Society.  Hats and mittens are knitted and given to CRT in Hartford for the Hartford school children.  Aprons and “drippies” (bibs) are sewn and given to Senior Centers.  Bandage are rolled and sent to Church World Service for Third World Countries.  Once every three months a big meal is cooked and brought to a shelter.  The groups participates in Operation Christmas Child and prepared over 100 shoeboxes for this nationwide project.

With God’s love, help, encouragement and guidance and with the continued enthusiasm of our church women and their devotion to working to help others, we will continue to reach out to our community.


For more information about the Monday Morning Missions, please contact the church office at